About Us
We’re a group of creative thinkers are building software to change the world

...or at least a few lives. Statistics tell us the about one-third of Americans have a criminal record. Think of that: the next time you are in a crowd, look around. One out of every three people you see has a criminal record. But that can't be! we think. They don't fit our concept of what criminals are. Those people are normal people, like everyone else. They have served their time. But those convictions block people from getting good jobs, getting housing, and getting an education. The damage doesn't stop there. It is estimated that one out of every two children in the United States have a parent with a criminal record. Those children did nothing. They did not stand before a judge or a jury. Every day they pay for the crimes of their parents, in embarrassment, poor nutrition, financial stress, and loss of opportunity.
We are working to change that picture. One person at a time. One family at a time.
Our team of volunteers, with the help of a grant from LISC and the assistance of Kansas Legal Services, are designing an app for people with criminal convictions who have done their time and stayed out of trouble to apply for the expungement of their records. The project began in 2021 and has continued to today.. Some of our volunteers have been working on expungement since 2017, both for Kansas and Missouri. Paul Barham, the lead coder, is also the lead coder for the Missouri Expungement Project lead by Ellen Suni of the University of Missouri, Kansas City. Scott Stockwell is the co-team lead with Ellen on the Missouri Clear My Record Project.

What we are best at

Patience and Perseverance

Understanding the Law
Expungement in Kansas is one of the broadest in the country. Translating the statute into language that applicants can understand is challenging.
Understanding the Tech
We use technology in our daily lives in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. Technology for legal matters must match the even greater complexity of law.
Understanding People
Design of software requires an understanding of how people think, feel, and react to the world around them, including the tech they use.
Code for KC volunteers participate in expungement events across the state of Kansas, further informing the design process.
Use of an expungement app will require training of future users. We are designing the materials and presentations necessary to spread expungement opportunity across Kansas.
Kansas Legal Services, Inc. is the legal services agenting serving people across the state regardless of their ability to pay. The software being created is in furtherance of KLS's work.
Wanna help?
There is a lot to do to bring easy and simple expungement to 82,278 square miles of prairie. We could use your help.
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